
I'm Sure I Will Regret Writing this Post...UPDATED

...much like I have regretted peeing on all pregnancy tests other than one (the one that told me I truly was pregnant).  Peeing on those pregnancy tests, except that one time, have all resulted in my period starting approximately 2 minutes later. This is why I haven't peed on a pregnancy test since the positive one 20 months ago.

So here I sit on day 28 of my cycle.  And this month just seems different...which makes me get my hopes up.  Here's how:

By the way, I'm quite certain I ovulated on day 13 -- didn't do any testing or temping , just general feel of my body.

Typical symptom:  I spot for 1 - 1.5 days before starting the full flow.
This month:  I've been spotting since Saturday morning.  Some brown, some red, but definitely longer than normal, like 2 x 3 times longer than normal.  (when I was pregnant I thought I had started my period, but then it promptly stopped and was more like spotting).  

Typical symptom:  Breast tenderness/soreness -- generally starts on the right boob and moves over to the left.
This month:  My left boob is SUPER sore/tender, and my right is just a little bit.

Typical symptom:  Annoying headache a day before and during the spotting day.
This month:  Annoying headache on day 25, but I attribute that to the massage I had the day before. No headache since -- not even a hint.

Typical symptom:  Cramping a day or two before the spotting and through the first day or two of full flow.
This month:  Cramping on day 23 - 25, but nothing since.

Typical symptom:   Diarrhea (sorry but yes, I am going there) during the cramping period.
This month:  Nada but normal regularity and I've had plenty of ... ahem... fiber.

Typical symptom:  Crazy desire to cry my eyes out over stupid things (like seeing a dead raccoon on the side of the road) about a day before spotting and during the spotting period.
This month:  No crazy desire to cry my eyes out.  But I did just have some time away from work and life in general.

Typical symptom:  Breaking out like I'm 14 again all over my face. (maybe I exaggerate a little)
This month:  Nothing out of the norm.

So the moral of this story is that I am most likely reading too much into this...but a girl can hope, right?  At least for 2 minutes.

 Update: it was more than 2 minutes....more like 9 hours...damn!!! Here we go again.

GAME OVER...all symptoms and AF arrived today -- oh joy!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Rebecca -- hope you are loving on those boys and enjoying that all 4 of you are now at home together!

  2. Ooooooh, fingers crossed! I so hope this is it for you. I will be on the look out for updates!!

    1. Thanks Em -- unfortunately, not the outcome I was hoping for, but also not surprising. I can't seem to comment on your blog...but I am reading and thinking of you!

  3. Fingers crossed!!! I will hope for you with no inhibitions. Will you pee on the dreaded stick now or wait for a few more days? (I could never stop myself, but hated that I never had more will power.)

    1. Unfortunately, no need to pee on the stick...the blog post did what I expected -- got things going! :-)

  4. Well, I think that it's good for you to document this experience, so perhaps on that level, you won't regret it at all. And gee, I sure hope that you will look back on this post as the one where you first wrote about your pregnancy. My fingers are crossed.

    thanks so much for your support and lovely comments on my blog in the last weeks. I've appreciated it very much J.J.

  5. Fingers crossed and sending you lots of sticky babydust that this leads to a sticky bfp!

    1. Thanks -- not this month, but hopefully one of these days... for BOTH of us!

  6. Hello from ICLW - sorry AF made a visit! I was hoping and praying she would pass me by this cycle, but she reared her ugly head this morning! :(

  7. I'm sorry it wasn't "the cycle" for you. It's so cruel when we get our hopes up and then AF shows up. Big hugs to you. xo


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