
Please Pray...and Going Away for a Couple of Days

Please pray for Courtney and her husband.  They had to say goodbye to their rainbow baby C today after a car accident.  She joins her sister in heaven.  Courtney's husband was also in the car and also had some major injuries.

I'm heading out for 2 1/2 days -- all by myself.  I joke that I am "running away", and while I say that with a laugh, I'm really pretty serious about it.  I need some time to myself.  I need to be away from work.  I need to be away from home.  I need some "me" time. I need some time to do some serious thinking.    

We have another couples counseling session in the morning.  I don't know what to expect.  We'll see.  


  1. I'm so sad and angry for that poor baby girl and her family! Thank you for sharing that link.

    I hope you enjoy your getaway!

  2. Not sure if you followed Courtney's blog all day, but I was so hurt to find out that her whole blog was a hoax! She has since taken it down. Its sad that people would prey on the emotions of women in our position. Enjoy your time away.

  3. I hope your "me" time was good! Sometimes you really do just need to get away fora bit. And, I hope the next couples' counseling session is good, too!!

  4. I'm here from ICLW and wish you a wonderful time alone. What a great idea! Can't wait to hear about it when you're back.

  5. I hope your time away helped give you clarity on the situation and that the counseling helped as well. (Hugs) I will respond to your e-mail soon, keeping you in my thoughts.

  6. I've been keeping up with your blog, but I've been bad about commenting.

    Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you. Infertility is so, so hard on relationships...especially marriage.

    Hope your time away was just what you needed.



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