
First Giveaway!

Awhile back I ordered the book "Fully Fertile" from Amazon after my yoga instructor recommended it.  I ended up getting two copies (I live in a small town and sadly our mail often gets delivered to others in the neighborhood and may not show up until days or weeks later -- which is what happened with the first copy of the book).  Anyway, I have no need for two books, so I am going to give one away as my first blog giveaway! 

Fully Fertile: A Holistic 12-Week  Plan for Optimal Fertility

To be eligible to win, simply leave me a comment of the BEST piece of fertility advice you have received and from whom.  It could be a tip, trick, coping strategy -- whatever.  I think it's fair to say we all hear our share of "stupid comments" in regards to fertility/infertility, so let's focus on the best thing we've ever heard.  Can't wait to hear what everyone has to say!

A winner will be randomly selected on Sunday, October 2, with the book sent shortly thereafter. 


Second Verse...Same as the First

If we were talking cycles, the title would be more appropriate as something like "55th verse...same as the first." 

I'm having some deja vu here.  Last year on this exact date, I started what I thought was my period.  Only to have it appear and disappear for the next 2 days and then to disappear completely...prompting me to pee on a stick (which I avoid like the plague generally because I hate the typical outcome).  On September 23, 2010 I found out I was pregnant and fell completely & totally in love already with the baby growing inside me. 

Today, I started spotting which makes me think AF will be coming full force tomorrow.  While I seriously want to hold onto hope that the result could be like last year, my heart of hearts tells me it won't.  And with that I am sad.  So sad.

It's now been one full year (almost) since I found out I was pregnant.  One full year of let downs as AF arrives every month.  One full year of lots of grieving, but appearing to the outside world like nothing is wrong (cause that's what I do).  One full year of unfulfilled dreams.  One full year of increased worry and decreased hope.  One full year of wondering if I will ever get to be a mom to a living baby. 

This sucks and I'm ready for it to be over!


Do you Believe Your Dreams?

I'm currently in the 2 week wait.  This month has been a bit different as I experimented with getting an abdominal fertility massage on day 10.  On day 14, my OPT gave me a smiley face and I went to my normally scheduled acupuncture appointment.  As she placed a needle over my right ovary -- it popped right out!  CRAZY!  She said that has never happened before. The needles over my abdomen were super sensitive and I felt things happening for the whole 45 minutes.  It's now day 18 so I am in my 2ww.  I've also been trying to keep up with my Yoga for Restoring Fertility dvd, though I have not yet developed a routine.

Last night in my dream, I took two pregnancy tests and they both came back positive immediately.  What the heck does that mean?  Is it a sign?  I've dreamt a lot that I was pregnant, but never a positive pregnancy test.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

Oh and my boobs are VERY tender and have been since day 15...could this be a sign of strong ovulation?  I've never had that symptom happen so randomly mid-cycle...

This cycle is just a couple of days behind last year's cycle when I was pregnant for 7 glorious weeks.  There is so much emotion with this cycle -- if this isn't the one then I have to admit that a year has passed. 

By the way, the abdominal massage, though odd, felt amazing.  And I've felt lots of things happening in my belly area since then.  I have another one on Monday...

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